Meeting Client Expectations: Clear Communication


Communication is often a struggle some people have on some level. When working with clients, you do not want to have any miscommunication. Good customer service and good communication will help you get regular clients and work. Here are some tips on how to have good communication and get clients to come back:

Never submit your work late.

If you can help it, always be on time. Sometimes things will come up that are unavoidable. This is when you immediately communicate with your client that you may not have their document done on time. This will allow them to find someone else if they need it done quickly and just so they know what's going on.

Give yourself some wiggle room.

Tell your client that their document will be done in a little more time than you think it would actually take you. That way, if something small comes up, you won't have to worry about it, and if you get it done before the due date then everyone is happy!

Be friendly and reliable.

When talking to clients you will always want to be friendly and professional, even if the client isn't the nicest person. Always do what you say you're going to do. That kind of goes with the other two tips.

Be a good listener.

Always listen carefully to your clients. Actively seek to help them and make things easier for them.

For more detailed tips, here is an article on how to have clear communication with clients: 13 Best Practices to Improve Client Communication | Spike (


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