Promoting Wellness at Your Home-Based Job

 Sitting in one place for an extended amount of time can be hard on your body. Your eyes get strained, your muscles get stiff, and it can become difficult to focus if you don't prioritize breaks. Here are some tips to help your general well-being while you work at your in-home office job:

1. Take frequent breaks (pomodoro technique).

I personally enjoy using what is called a pomodoro timer. If you are not familiar with that, this is how it works: You set a timer for 25 minutes for whatever task you are doing and work on it with your full concentration for that amount of time. After the 25-minute timer goes off, you take a 5-minute break. After you complete four different 25-minute sessions with 5-minute breaks in between, you take a longer break that is about 15-30 minutes. If you enjoy lo-fi music, I recommend this video that incorporates the pomodoro technique: Lofi Girl Pomodoro Timer

2. Stretch during your breaks.

Click on this link for some good stretch ideas for office jobs: Healthline Stretches

3. Keep a water bottle at your desk.

It's easy to forget to hydrate while you're hyper focused on your work. I normally keep a water bottle right next to where I am working. When I glance over, I remember to drink water. Stay hydrated!

For more tips on well-being at your home-based job or office job, check out this link: Self-Care Hacks


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