
Promoting Wellness at Your Home-Based Job

 Sitting in one place for an extended amount of time can be hard on your body. Your eyes get strained, your muscles get stiff, and it can become difficult to focus if you don't prioritize breaks. Here are some tips to help your general well-being while you work at your in-home office job: 1. Take frequent breaks (pomodoro technique). I personally enjoy using what is called a pomodoro timer. If you are not familiar with that, this is how it works: You set a timer for 25 minutes for whatever task you are doing and work on it with your full concentration for that amount of time. After the 25-minute timer goes off, you take a 5-minute break. After you complete four different 25-minute sessions with 5-minute breaks in between, you take a longer break that is about 15-30 minutes. If you enjoy lo-fi music, I recommend this video that incorporates the pomodoro technique:  Lofi Girl Pomodoro Timer 2. Stretch during your breaks. Click on this link for some good stretch ideas for office jobs:

Transcription: Tips on How to Boost Your Speed and Accuracy

 As a transcriptionist, you know that speed, accuracy, and turnaround time are all key. Take a look at this site for some great tips!  Link:  Transcription Practice Guide (Tips From the Pros) (

Earful Edits on Pinterest

  Recently I have been looking into advertising the Earful Edits business, and I found out that ads are very expensive and definitely out of my price range. I looked into budget advertising, and the main thing that came up is to be very active on social media. So, I created a business account on Pinterest! You can now look at some fun images on Pinterest and see my blogs and other fun stuff on the Earful Edits profile.  I am going to stay active on Facebook, Pinterest, and my blog to hopefully draw some attention in a cost-effective way. If you are interested in seeing the Pinterest account, click on the link below! Earful Edits Pinterest:  Pinterest

From Audio to Text: The Transcription Process

 When I started learning to transcribe, I thought it would be very easy. In some ways, it is. But there were also some very challenging aspects of transcription. My biggest struggle while learning was mastering grammar and punctuation. Grammar has never been my strong suit, but I had to master it to become a transcriptionist! So, I studied hard and worked through it. Besides having to have a strong grasp of the English language and all of its intricate grammar rules, the transcribing process is actually quite simple.  When I get an audio file, I download it into my "dictation files" folder then upload it to Express Scribe. Express Scribe is a transcription software that you can download to your laptop or computer to make transcribing easier. Through this software, you can plug a pedal into your laptop and use it to easily pause, play, fast forward, or rewind the audio. To learn more about Express Scribe, click here:  Express Scribe Transcription Software After I upload it to

Website Available

  The website for Earful Edits is now complete and available to visit. If you need something transcribed or need some proofreading done, feel free to visit the site. My contact information, rates, and more details about the business are all located there.  Earful Edits link:

Building a Website on WordPress

 Currently, I am setting up a website on Word Press. It's definitely harder than I thought it would be, but it's very helpful and they have a step-by-step guide on how to set up your new website and maintain it. To learn more about building a website, check out this link:  How to Make a WordPress Website in 2024 (Ultimate Guide) (

Update: My Transcription Business

 Today, I have officially gotten my business license. I can now legally start my website and my work! When I get my website up and running, I will post a link on my blog. Stay tuned! Want to find out what kind of licenses you need for your business and how? Check out this link:   How To Get A Business License In 5 Steps – Forbes Advisor